158 lines
4.5 KiB
158 lines
4.5 KiB
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
All of the included locale classes shipped with pdt.
import datetime
range = xrange
except NameError:
import icu as pyicu
except ImportError:
import PyICU as pyicu
except ImportError:
pyicu = None
def icu_object(mapping):
return type('_icu', (object,), mapping)
def merge_weekdays(base_wd, icu_wd):
result = []
for left, right in zip(base_wd, icu_wd):
if left == right:
left = set(left.split('|'))
right = set(right.split('|'))
result.append('|'.join(left | right))
return result
def get_icu(locale):
def _sanitize_key(k):
import re
return re.sub("\\.(\\||$)", "\\1", k)
from . import base
result = dict([(key, getattr(base, key))
for key in dir(base) if not key.startswith('_')])
result['icu'] = None
if pyicu is None:
return icu_object(result)
if locale is None:
locale = 'en_US'
result['icu'] = icu = pyicu.Locale(locale)
if icu is None:
return icu_object(result)
# grab spelled out format of all numbers from 0 to 100
rbnf = pyicu.RuleBasedNumberFormat(pyicu.URBNFRuleSetTag.SPELLOUT, icu)
result['numbers'].update([(rbnf.format(i), i) for i in range(0, 100)])
symbols = result['symbols'] = pyicu.DateFormatSymbols(icu)
# grab ICU list of weekdays, skipping first entry which
# is always blank
wd = [_sanitize_key(w.lower()) for w in symbols.getWeekdays()[1:]]
swd = [_sanitize_key(sw.lower()) for sw in symbols.getShortWeekdays()[1:]]
# store them in our list with Monday first (ICU puts Sunday first)
result['Weekdays'] = merge_weekdays(result['Weekdays'],
wd[1:] + wd[0:1])
result['shortWeekdays'] = merge_weekdays(result['shortWeekdays'],
swd[1:] + swd[0:1])
result['Months'] = [_sanitize_key(m.lower()) for m in symbols.getMonths()]
result['shortMonths'] = [_sanitize_key(sm.lower()) for sm in symbols.getShortMonths()]
keys = ['full', 'long', 'medium', 'short']
createDateInstance = pyicu.DateFormat.createDateInstance
createTimeInstance = pyicu.DateFormat.createTimeInstance
icu_df = result['icu_df'] = {
'full': createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kFull, icu),
'long': createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kLong, icu),
'medium': createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kMedium, icu),
'short': createDateInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kShort, icu),
icu_tf = result['icu_tf'] = {
'full': createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kFull, icu),
'long': createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kLong, icu),
'medium': createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kMedium, icu),
'short': createTimeInstance(pyicu.DateFormat.kShort, icu),
result['dateFormats'] = {}
result['timeFormats'] = {}
for x in keys:
result['dateFormats'][x] = icu_df[x].toPattern()
result['timeFormats'][x] = icu_tf[x].toPattern()
am = pm = ts = ''
# ICU doesn't seem to provide directly the date or time separator
# so we have to figure it out
o = result['icu_tf']['short']
s = result['timeFormats']['short']
result['usesMeridian'] = 'a' in s
result['uses24'] = 'H' in s
# '11:45 AM' or '11:45'
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 11, 45))
# ': AM' or ':'
s = s.replace('11', '').replace('45', '')
if len(s) > 0:
ts = s[0]
if result['usesMeridian']:
# '23:45 AM' or '23:45'
am = s[1:].strip()
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 23, 45))
if result['uses24']:
s = s.replace('23', '')
s = s.replace('11', '')
# 'PM' or ''
pm = s.replace('45', '').replace(ts, '').strip()
result['timeSep'] = [ts]
result['meridian'] = [am, pm] if am and pm else []
o = result['icu_df']['short']
s = o.format(datetime.datetime(2003, 10, 30, 11, 45))
s = s.replace('10', '').replace('30', '').replace(
'03', '').replace('2003', '')
if len(s) > 0:
ds = s[0]
ds = '/'
result['dateSep'] = [ds]
s = result['dateFormats']['short']
ll = s.lower().split(ds)
dp_order = []
for s in ll:
if len(s) > 0:
result['dp_order'] = dp_order
return icu_object(result)