{{ config( indexes = [{'columns':['_airbyte_emitted_at'],'type':'btree'}], schema = "_airbyte_unibag", tags = [ "nested-intermediate" ] ) }} -- SQL model to cast each column to its adequate SQL type converted from the JSON schema type -- depends_on: {{ ref('orders_delivery_ab1') }} select _airbyte_orders_hashid, cast(_id as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as _id, cast(fee as {{ dbt_utils.type_float() }}) as fee, cast(code as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as code, cast(note as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as note, cast(title as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as title, cast(status as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as status, cast(weight as {{ type_json() }}) as weight, cast(feeship as {{ type_json() }}) as feeship, cast(currency as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as currency, {{ cast_to_boolean('freeship') }} as freeship, cast({{ adapter.quote('location') }} as {{ type_json() }}) as {{ adapter.quote('location') }}, cast(sourceid as {{ dbt_utils.type_float() }}) as sourceid, cast(couriername as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as couriername, cast(servicecode as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as servicecode, cast(servicename as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as servicename, cast(customername as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as customername, cast(customerphone as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as customerphone, cast(discountvalue as {{ dbt_utils.type_float() }}) as discountvalue, cast(servicedelivery as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as servicedelivery, cast(estimatedeliveryat as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as estimatedeliveryat, cast(estimatetimedelivery as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as estimatetimedelivery, cast(maxdeliveryday_aibyte_transform as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as maxdeliveryday_aibyte_transform, cast(mindeliveryday_aibyte_transform as {{ dbt_utils.type_string() }}) as mindeliveryday_aibyte_transform, _airbyte_ab_id, _airbyte_emitted_at, {{ current_timestamp() }} as _airbyte_normalized_at from {{ ref('orders_delivery_ab1') }} -- delivery at orders/delivery where 1 = 1