{{ config( indexes = [{'columns':['_airbyte_emitted_at'],'type':'btree'}], schema = "_airbyte_unibag", tags = [ "nested-intermediate" ] ) }} -- SQL model to parse JSON blob stored in a single column and extract into separated field columns as described by the JSON Schema -- depends_on: {{ ref('users') }} select _airbyte_users_hashid, {{ json_extract_scalar('phone', ['full'], ['full']) }} as {{ adapter.quote('full') }}, {{ json_extract_scalar('phone', ['number'], ['number']) }} as {{ adapter.quote('number') }}, {{ json_extract_scalar('phone', ['verified'], ['verified']) }} as verified, {{ json_extract_scalar('phone', ['verifiedAt'], ['verifiedAt']) }} as verifiedat, {{ json_extract_scalar('phone', ['countryCode'], ['countryCode']) }} as countrycode, _airbyte_ab_id, _airbyte_emitted_at, {{ current_timestamp() }} as _airbyte_normalized_at from {{ ref('users') }} as table_alias -- phone at users/phone where 1 = 1 and phone is not null