#!/usr/bin/env python from copy import copy import os import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import six from leather.axis import Axis from leather.data_types import Date, DateTime from leather.scales import Scale, Linear, Temporal from leather.series import Series, CategorySeries from leather.shapes import Bars, Columns, Dots, Line import leather.svg as svg from leather import theme from leather.utils import X, Y, DIMENSION_NAMES, Box, IPythonSVG, warn class Chart(object): """ Container for all chart types. :param title: An optional title that will be rendered at the top of the chart. """ def __init__(self, title=None): self._title = title self._series_colors = theme.default_series_colors self._layers = [] self._types = [None, None] self._scales = [None, None] self._axes = [None, None] def _palette(self): """ Return a generator for series colors. """ return (color for color in self._series_colors) def set_x_scale(self, scale): """ Set the X :class:`.Scale` for this chart. """ self._scales[X] = scale def set_y_scale(self, scale): """ See :meth:`.Chart.set_x_scale`. """ self._scales[Y] = scale def add_x_scale(self, domain_min, domain_max): """ Create and add a :class:`.Scale`. If the provided domain values are :class:`date` or :class:`datetime` then a :class:`.Temporal` scale will be created, otherwise it will :class:`.Linear`. If you want to set a custom scale class use :meth:`.Chart.set_x_scale` instead. """ scale_type = Linear if isinstance(domain_min, Date.types) or isinstance(domain_min, DateTime.types): scale_type = Temporal self.set_x_scale(scale_type(domain_min, domain_max)) def add_y_scale(self, domain_min, domain_max): """ See :meth:`.Chart.add_x_scale`. """ scale_type = Linear if isinstance(domain_min, Date.types) or isinstance(domain_min, DateTime.types): scale_type = Temporal self.set_y_scale(scale_type(domain_min, domain_max)) def set_x_axis(self, axis): """ Set an :class:`.Axis` class for this chart. """ self._axes[X] = axis def set_y_axis(self, axis): """ See :meth:`.Chart.set_x_axis`. """ self._axes[Y] = axis def add_x_axis(self, ticks=None, tick_formatter=None, name=None): """ Create and add an X :class:`.Axis`. If you want to set a custom axis class use :meth:`.Chart.set_x_axis` instead. """ self._axes[X] = Axis(ticks, tick_formatter, name) def add_y_axis(self, ticks=None, tick_formatter=None, name=None): """ See :meth:`.Chart.add_x_axis`. """ self._axes[Y] = Axis(ticks, tick_formatter, name) def add_series(self, series, shape): """ Add a data :class:`.Series` to the chart. The data types of the new series must be consistent with any series that have already been added. There are several shortcuts for adding different types of data series. See :meth:`.Chart.add_bars`, :meth:`.Chart.add_columns`, :meth:`.Chart.add_dots`, and :meth:`.Chart.add_line`. """ if self._layers and isinstance(self._layers[0][0], CategorySeries): raise RuntimeError('Additional series can not be added to a chart with a CategorySeries.') if isinstance(series, CategorySeries): self._types = series._types else: for dim in [X, Y]: if not self._types[dim]: self._types[dim] = series._types[dim] elif series._types[dim] is not self._types[dim]: raise TypeError('Can\'t mix axis-data types: %s and %s' % (series._types[dim], self._types[dim])) shape.validate_series(series) self._layers.append(( series, shape )) def add_bars(self, data, x=None, y=None, name=None, fill_color=None): """ Create and add a :class:`.Series` rendered with :class:`.Bars`. Note that when creating bars in this way the order of the series data will be reversed so that the first item in the series is displayed as the top-most bar in the graphic. If you don't want this to happen use :meth:`.Chart.add_series` instead. """ self.add_series( Series(list(reversed(data)), x=x, y=y, name=name), Bars(fill_color) ) def add_columns(self, data, x=None, y=None, name=None, fill_color=None): """ Create and add a :class:`.Series` rendered with :class:`.Columns`. """ self.add_series( Series(data, x=x, y=y, name=name), Columns(fill_color) ) def add_dots(self, data, x=None, y=None, name=None, fill_color=None, radius=None): """ Create and add a :class:`.Series` rendered with :class:`.Dots`. """ self.add_series( Series(data, x=x, y=y, name=name), Dots(fill_color, radius) ) def add_line(self, data, x=None, y=None, name=None, stroke_color=None, width=None): """ Create and add a :class:`.Series` rendered with :class:`.Line`. """ self.add_series( Series(data, x=x, y=y, name=name), Line(stroke_color, width) ) def _validate_dimension(self, dimension): """ Validates that the given scale and axis are valid for the data that has been added to this chart. If a scale or axis has not been set, generates automated ones. """ scale = self._scales[dimension] axis = self._axes[dimension] if not scale: scale = Scale.infer(self._layers, dimension, self._types[dimension]) else: for series, shape in self._layers: if not scale.contains(series.min(dimension)) or not scale.contains(series.max(dimension)): d = DIMENSION_NAMES[dimension] warn('Data contains values outside %s scale domain. All data points may not be visible on the chart.' % d) # Only display once per axis break if not axis: axis = Axis() return (scale, axis) def to_svg_group(self, width=None, height=None): """ Render this chart to an SVG group element. This can then be placed inside an :code:`` tag to make a complete SVG graphic. See :meth:`.Chart.to_svg` for arguments. """ width = width or theme.default_width height = height or theme.default_height if not self._layers: raise ValueError('You must add at least one series to the chart before rendering.') if isinstance(theme.margin, float): default_margin = width * theme.margin margin = Box( top=default_margin, right=default_margin, bottom=default_margin, left=default_margin ) elif isinstance(margin, int): margin = Box(margin, margin, margin, margin) elif not isinstance(margin, Box): margin = Box(*margin) # Root / background root_group = ET.Element('g') root_group.append(ET.Element('rect', x=six.text_type(0), y=six.text_type(0), width=six.text_type(width), height=six.text_type(height), fill=theme.background_color )) # Margins margin_group = ET.Element('g') margin_group.set('transform', svg.translate(margin.left, margin.top)) margin_width = width - (margin.left + margin.right) margin_height = height - (margin.top + margin.bottom) root_group.append(margin_group) # Header header_group = ET.Element('g') header_margin = 0 if self._title: label = ET.Element('text', x=six.text_type(0), y=six.text_type(0), fill=theme.title_color ) label.set('font-family', theme.title_font_family) label.set('font-size', six.text_type(theme.title_font_size)) label.text = six.text_type(self._title) header_group.append(label) header_margin += theme.title_font_char_height + theme.title_gap # Legend if len(self._layers) > 1 or isinstance(self._layers[0][0], CategorySeries): legend_group = ET.Element('g') legend_group.set('transform', svg.translate(0, header_margin)) indent = 0 rows = 1 palette = self._palette() for series, shape in self._layers: for item_group, item_width in shape.legend_to_svg(series, palette): if indent + item_width > width: indent = 0 rows += 1 y = (rows - 1) * (theme.legend_font_char_height + theme.legend_gap) item_group.set('transform', svg.translate(indent, y)) indent += item_width legend_group.append(item_group) legend_height = rows * (theme.legend_font_char_height + theme.legend_gap) header_margin += legend_height header_group.append(legend_group) margin_group.append(header_group) # Body body_group = ET.Element('g') body_group.set('transform', svg.translate(0, header_margin)) body_width = margin_width body_height = margin_height - header_margin margin_group.append(body_group) # Axes x_scale, x_axis = self._validate_dimension(X) y_scale, y_axis = self._validate_dimension(Y) bottom_margin = x_axis.estimate_label_margin(x_scale, 'bottom') left_margin = y_axis.estimate_label_margin(y_scale, 'left') canvas_width = body_width - left_margin canvas_height = body_height - bottom_margin axes_group = ET.Element('g') axes_group.set('transform', svg.translate(left_margin, 0)) axes_group.append(x_axis.to_svg(canvas_width, canvas_height, x_scale, 'bottom')) axes_group.append(y_axis.to_svg(canvas_width, canvas_height, y_scale, 'left')) header_group.set('transform', svg.translate(left_margin, 0)) body_group.append(axes_group) # Series series_group = ET.Element('g') palette = self._palette() for series, shape in self._layers: series_group.append(shape.to_svg(canvas_width, canvas_height, x_scale, y_scale, series, palette)) axes_group.append(series_group) return root_group def to_svg(self, path=None, width=None, height=None): """ Render this chart to an SVG document. The :code:`width` and :code:`height` are specified in SVG's "unitless" units, however, it is usually convenient to specify them as though they were pixels. :param path: Filepath or file-like object to write to. If omitted then the SVG will be returned as a string. If running within IPython, then this will return a SVG object to be displayed. :param width: The output width, in SVG user units. Defaults to :data:`.theme.default_chart_width`. :param height: The output height, in SVG user units. Defaults to :data:`.theme.default_chart_height`. """ width = width or theme.default_chart_width height = height or theme.default_chart_height root = ET.Element('svg', width=six.text_type(width), height=six.text_type(height), version='1.1', xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' ) group = self.to_svg_group(width, height) root.append(group) svg_text = svg.stringify(root) close = True if path: f = None try: if hasattr(path, 'write'): f = path close = False else: dirpath = os.path.dirname(path) if dirpath and not os.path.exists(dirpath): os.makedirs(dirpath) f = open(path, 'w') f.write(svg.HEADER) f.write(svg_text) finally: if close and f is not None: f.close() else: return IPythonSVG(svg_text)