from import Hashable from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import ( Optional, TypeVar, Any, Type, Dict, Union, Iterator, Tuple, Set ) from dbt.contracts.graph.compiled import CompiledNode from dbt.contracts.graph.parsed import ParsedSourceDefinition, ParsedNode from dbt.contracts.relation import ( RelationType, ComponentName, HasQuoting, FakeAPIObject, Policy, Path ) from dbt.exceptions import InternalException from dbt.node_types import NodeType from dbt.utils import filter_null_values, deep_merge, classproperty import dbt.exceptions Self = TypeVar('Self', bound='BaseRelation') @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False, repr=False) class BaseRelation(FakeAPIObject, Hashable): path: Path type: Optional[RelationType] = None quote_character: str = '"' include_policy: Policy = Policy() quote_policy: Policy = Policy() dbt_created: bool = False def _is_exactish_match(self, field: ComponentName, value: str) -> bool: if self.dbt_created and self.quote_policy.get_part(field) is False: return self.path.get_lowered_part(field) == value.lower() else: return self.path.get_part(field) == value @classmethod def _get_field_named(cls, field_name): for field, _ in cls._get_fields(): if == field_name: return field # this should be unreachable raise ValueError(f'BaseRelation has no {field_name} field!') def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return self.to_dict(omit_none=True) == other.to_dict(omit_none=True) @classmethod def get_default_quote_policy(cls) -> Policy: return cls._get_field_named('quote_policy').default @classmethod def get_default_include_policy(cls) -> Policy: return cls._get_field_named('include_policy').default def get(self, key, default=None): """Override `.get` to return a metadata object so we don't break dbt_utils. """ if key == 'metadata': return { 'type': self.__class__.__name__ } return super().get(key, default) def matches( self, database: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, identifier: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: search = filter_null_values({ ComponentName.Database: database, ComponentName.Schema: schema, ComponentName.Identifier: identifier }) if not search: # nothing was passed in raise dbt.exceptions.RuntimeException( "Tried to match relation, but no search path was passed!") exact_match = True approximate_match = True for k, v in search.items(): if not self._is_exactish_match(k, v): exact_match = False if self.path.get_lowered_part(k) != v.lower(): approximate_match = False if approximate_match and not exact_match: target = self.create( database=database, schema=schema, identifier=identifier ) dbt.exceptions.approximate_relation_match(target, self) return exact_match def replace_path(self, **kwargs): return self.replace(path=self.path.replace(**kwargs)) def quote( self: Self, database: Optional[bool] = None, schema: Optional[bool] = None, identifier: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Self: policy = filter_null_values({ ComponentName.Database: database, ComponentName.Schema: schema, ComponentName.Identifier: identifier }) new_quote_policy = self.quote_policy.replace_dict(policy) return self.replace(quote_policy=new_quote_policy) def include( self: Self, database: Optional[bool] = None, schema: Optional[bool] = None, identifier: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Self: policy = filter_null_values({ ComponentName.Database: database, ComponentName.Schema: schema, ComponentName.Identifier: identifier }) new_include_policy = self.include_policy.replace_dict(policy) return self.replace(include_policy=new_include_policy) def information_schema(self, view_name=None) -> 'InformationSchema': # some of our data comes from jinja, where things can be `Undefined`. if not isinstance(view_name, str): view_name = None # Kick the user-supplied schema out of the information schema relation # Instead address this as .information_schema by default info_schema = InformationSchema.from_relation(self, view_name) return info_schema.incorporate(path={"schema": None}) def information_schema_only(self) -> 'InformationSchema': return self.information_schema() def without_identifier(self) -> 'BaseRelation': """Return a form of this relation that only has the database and schema set to included. To get the appropriately-quoted form the schema out of the result (for use as part of a query), use `.render()`. To get the raw database or schema name, use `.database` or `.schema`. The hash of the returned object is the result of render(). """ return self.include(identifier=False).replace_path(identifier=None) def _render_iterator( self ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Optional[ComponentName], Optional[str]]]: for key in ComponentName: path_part: Optional[str] = None if self.include_policy.get_part(key): path_part = self.path.get_part(key) if path_part is not None and self.quote_policy.get_part(key): path_part = self.quoted(path_part) yield key, path_part def render(self) -> str: # if there is nothing set, this will return the empty string. return '.'.join( part for _, part in self._render_iterator() if part is not None ) def quoted(self, identifier): return '{quote_char}{identifier}{quote_char}'.format( quote_char=self.quote_character, identifier=identifier, ) @classmethod def create_from_source( cls: Type[Self], source: ParsedSourceDefinition, **kwargs: Any ) -> Self: source_quoting = source.quoting.to_dict(omit_none=True) source_quoting.pop('column', None) quote_policy = deep_merge( cls.get_default_quote_policy().to_dict(omit_none=True), source_quoting, kwargs.get('quote_policy', {}), ) return cls.create( database=source.database, schema=source.schema, identifier=source.identifier, quote_policy=quote_policy, **kwargs ) @staticmethod def add_ephemeral_prefix(name: str): return f'__dbt__cte__{name}' @classmethod def create_ephemeral_from_node( cls: Type[Self], config: HasQuoting, node: Union[ParsedNode, CompiledNode], ) -> Self: # Note that ephemeral models are based on the name. identifier = cls.add_ephemeral_prefix( return cls.create( type=cls.CTE, identifier=identifier, ).quote(identifier=False) @classmethod def create_from_node( cls: Type[Self], config: HasQuoting, node: Union[ParsedNode, CompiledNode], quote_policy: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Self: if quote_policy is None: quote_policy = {} quote_policy = dbt.utils.merge(config.quoting, quote_policy) return cls.create( database=node.database, schema=node.schema, identifier=node.alias, quote_policy=quote_policy, **kwargs) @classmethod def create_from( cls: Type[Self], config: HasQuoting, node: Union[CompiledNode, ParsedNode, ParsedSourceDefinition], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Self: if node.resource_type == NodeType.Source: if not isinstance(node, ParsedSourceDefinition): raise InternalException( 'type mismatch, expected ParsedSourceDefinition but got {}' .format(type(node)) ) return cls.create_from_source(node, **kwargs) else: if not isinstance(node, (ParsedNode, CompiledNode)): raise InternalException( 'type mismatch, expected ParsedNode or CompiledNode but ' 'got {}'.format(type(node)) ) return cls.create_from_node(config, node, **kwargs) @classmethod def create( cls: Type[Self], database: Optional[str] = None, schema: Optional[str] = None, identifier: Optional[str] = None, type: Optional[RelationType] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Self: kwargs.update({ 'path': { 'database': database, 'schema': schema, 'identifier': identifier, }, 'type': type, }) return cls.from_dict(kwargs) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{} {}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.render()) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.render()) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.render() @property def database(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.path.database @property def schema(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.path.schema @property def identifier(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.path.identifier @property def table(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.path.identifier # Here for compatibility with old Relation interface @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: return self.identifier @property def is_table(self) -> bool: return self.type == RelationType.Table @property def is_cte(self) -> bool: return self.type == RelationType.CTE @property def is_view(self) -> bool: return self.type == RelationType.View @classproperty def Table(cls) -> str: return str(RelationType.Table) @classproperty def CTE(cls) -> str: return str(RelationType.CTE) @classproperty def View(cls) -> str: return str(RelationType.View) @classproperty def External(cls) -> str: return str(RelationType.External) @classproperty def get_relation_type(cls) -> Type[RelationType]: return RelationType Info = TypeVar('Info', bound='InformationSchema') @dataclass(frozen=True, eq=False, repr=False) class InformationSchema(BaseRelation): information_schema_view: Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.information_schema_view, (type(None), str)): raise dbt.exceptions.CompilationException( 'Got an invalid name: {}'.format(self.information_schema_view) ) @classmethod def get_path( cls, relation: BaseRelation, information_schema_view: Optional[str] ) -> Path: return Path( database=relation.database, schema=relation.schema, identifier='INFORMATION_SCHEMA', ) @classmethod def get_include_policy( cls, relation, information_schema_view: Optional[str], ) -> Policy: return relation.include_policy.replace( database=relation.database is not None, schema=False, identifier=True, ) @classmethod def get_quote_policy( cls, relation, information_schema_view: Optional[str], ) -> Policy: return relation.quote_policy.replace( identifier=False, ) @classmethod def from_relation( cls: Type[Info], relation: BaseRelation, information_schema_view: Optional[str], ) -> Info: include_policy = cls.get_include_policy( relation, information_schema_view ) quote_policy = cls.get_quote_policy(relation, information_schema_view) path = cls.get_path(relation, information_schema_view) return cls( type=RelationType.View, path=path, include_policy=include_policy, quote_policy=quote_policy, information_schema_view=information_schema_view, ) def _render_iterator(self): for k, v in super()._render_iterator(): yield k, v yield None, self.information_schema_view class SchemaSearchMap(Dict[InformationSchema, Set[Optional[str]]]): """A utility class to keep track of what information_schema tables to search for what schemas. The schema values are all lowercased to avoid duplication. """ def add(self, relation: BaseRelation): key = relation.information_schema_only() if key not in self: self[key] = set() schema: Optional[str] = None if relation.schema is not None: schema = relation.schema.lower() self[key].add(schema) def search( self ) -> Iterator[Tuple[InformationSchema, Optional[str]]]: for information_schema_name, schemas in self.items(): for schema in schemas: yield information_schema_name, schema def flatten(self, allow_multiple_databases: bool = False): new = self.__class__() # make sure we don't have multiple databases if allow_multiple_databases is set to False if not allow_multiple_databases: seen = {r.database.lower() for r in self if r.database} if len(seen) > 1: dbt.exceptions.raise_compiler_error(str(seen)) for information_schema_name, schema in path = { 'database': information_schema_name.database, 'schema': schema } new.add(information_schema_name.incorporate( path=path, quote_policy={'database': False}, include_policy={'database': False}, )) return new