249 lines
5.9 KiB
249 lines
5.9 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .base import * # noqa
# don't use an unicode string
localeID = 'fr_FR'
dateSep = [r'\/']
timeSep = [':', 'h']
meridian = ['du matin', 'du soir']
usesMeridian = True
uses24 = True
WeekdayOffsets = {}
MonthOffsets = {}
# always lowercase any lookup values - helper code expects that
Weekdays = [
'lundi', 'mardi', 'mercredi', 'jeudi',
'vendredi', 'samedi', 'dimanche',
shortWeekdays = [
'lun', 'mar', 'mer', 'jeu', 'ven', 'sam', 'dim',
Months = [
'janvier', 'février|fevrier', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet',
'août|aout', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'décembre|decembre',
# We do not list 'mar' as a short name for 'mars' as it conflicts with
# the 'mar' of 'mardi'
shortMonths = [
'jan', 'fév|fev', 'mars', 'avr', 'mai', 'jui',
'juil', 'aoû|aou', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'déc|dec',
# use the same formats as ICU by default
dateFormats = {
'full': 'EEEE d MMMM yyyy',
'long': 'd MMMM yyyy',
'medium': 'd MMM yyyy',
'short': 'd/M/yy'
timeFormats = {
'full': 'h:mm:ss a z',
'long': 'h:mm:ss a z',
'medium': 'h:mm:ss a',
'short': 'h:mm a',
dp_order = ['d', 'm', 'y']
# Used to parse expressions like "in 5 hours"
numbers = {
'zéro': 0,
'zero': 0,
'un': 1,
'une': 1,
'deux': 2,
'trois': 3,
'quatre': 4,
'cinq': 5,
'six': 6,
'sept': 7,
'huit': 8,
'neuf': 9,
'dix': 10,
'onze': 11,
'douze': 12,
'treize': 13,
'quatorze': 14,
'quinze': 15,
'seize': 16,
'dix-sept': 17,
'dix sept': 17,
'dix-huit': 18,
'dix huit': 18,
'dix-neuf': 19,
'dix neuf': 19,
'vingt': 20,
'vingt-et-un': 21,
'vingt et un': 21,
'vingt-deux': 22,
'vingt deux': 22,
'vingt-trois': 23,
'vingt trois': 23,
'vingt-quatre': 24,
'vingt quatre': 24,
decimal_mark = ','
# this will be added to re_values later
units = {
'seconds': ['seconde', 'secondes', 'sec', 's'],
'minutes': ['minute', 'minutes', 'min', 'mn'],
'hours': ['heure', 'heures', 'h'],
'days': ['jour', 'jours', 'journée', 'journee', 'journées', 'journees', 'j'],
'weeks': ['semaine', 'semaines', 'sem'],
'months': ['mois', 'm'],
'years': ['année', 'annee', 'an', 'années', 'annees', 'ans'],
# text constants to be used by later regular expressions
re_values = {
'specials': r'à|a|le|la|du|de',
'timeseparator': r'(?:\:|h|\s*heures?\s*)',
'rangeseparator': r'-',
'daysuffix': r'ième|ieme|ème|eme|ère|ere|nde',
'meridian': None,
'qunits': r'h|m|s|j|sem|a',
'now': [r'maintenant', r'tout de suite', r'immédiatement', r'immediatement', r'à l\'instant', r'a l\'instant'],
# Used to adjust the returned date before/after the source
Modifiers = {
'avant': -1,
'il y a': -1,
'plus tot': -1,
'plus tôt': -1,
'y a': -1,
'antérieur': -1,
'anterieur': -1,
'dernier': -1,
'dernière': -1,
'derniere': -1,
'précédent': -1,
'précedent': -1,
'precédent': -1,
'precedent': -1,
'fin de': 0,
'fin du': 0,
'fin de la': 0,
'fin des': 0,
'fin d\'': 0,
'ce': 0,
'cette': 0,
'depuis': 1,
'dans': 1,
'à partir': 1,
'a partir': 1,
'après': 1,
'apres': 1,
'lendemain': 1,
'prochain': 1,
'prochaine': 1,
'suivant': 1,
'suivante': 1,
'plus tard': 1
dayOffsets = {
'après-demain': 2,
'apres-demain': 2,
'après demain': 2,
'apres demain': 2,
'demain': 1,
'aujourd\'hui': 0,
'hier': -1,
'avant-hier': -2,
'avant hier': -2
# special day and/or times, i.e. lunch, noon, evening
# each element in the dictionary is a dictionary that is used
# to fill in any value to be replace - the current date/time will
# already have been populated by the method buildSources
re_sources = {
'après-midi': {'hr': 13, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'apres-midi': {'hr': 13, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'après midi': {'hr': 13, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'apres midi': {'hr': 13, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'midi': {'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'déjeuner': {'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'dejeuner': {'hr': 12, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'matin': {'hr': 6, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'petit-déjeuner': {'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'petit-dejeuner': {'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'petit déjeuner': {'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'petit dejeuner': {'hr': 8, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'diner': {'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'dîner': {'hr': 19, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'soir': {'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'soirée': {'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'soiree': {'hr': 18, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'minuit': {'hr': 0, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
'nuit': {'hr': 21, 'mn': 0, 'sec': 0},
small = {
'zéro': 0,
'zero': 0,
'un': 1,
'une': 1,
'deux': 2,
'trois': 3,
'quatre': 4,
'cinq': 5,
'six': 6,
'sept': 7,
'huit': 8,
'neuf': 9,
'dix': 10,
'onze': 11,
'douze': 12,
'treize': 13,
'quatorze': 14,
'quinze': 15,
'seize': 16,
'dix-sept': 17,
'dix sept': 17,
'dix-huit': 18,
'dix huit': 18,
'dix-neuf': 19,
'dix neuf': 19,
'vingt': 20,
'vingt-et-un': 21,
'vingt et un': 21,
'trente': 30,
'quarante': 40,
'cinquante': 50,
'soixante': 60,
'soixante-dix': 70,
'soixante dix': 70,
'quatre-vingt': 80,
'quatre vingt': 80,
'quatre-vingt-dix': 90,
'quatre vingt dix': 90
magnitude = {
'mille': 1000,
'millier': 1000,
'million': 1000000,
'milliard': 1000000000,
'trillion': 1000000000000,
'quadrillion': 1000000000000000,
'quintillion': 1000000000000000000,
'sextillion': 1000000000000000000000,
'septillion': 1000000000000000000000000,
'octillion': 1000000000000000000000000000,
'nonillion': 1000000000000000000000000000000,
'décillion': 1000000000000000000000000000000000,
'decillion': 1000000000000000000000000000000000,
ignore = ('et', ',')