189 lines
3.8 KiB
189 lines
3.8 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
import math
import sys
import warnings
import six
from IPython.display import SVG as IPythonSVG
except (NameError, ImportError):
IPythonSVG = lambda x: x
# Shorthand
ZERO = Decimal('0')
NINE_PLACES = Decimal('1e-9')
#: X data dimension index
X = 0
#: Y data dimension index
Y = 1
#: Z data dimension index
Z = 2
#: Data structure for representing margins or other CSS-edge like properties
Box = namedtuple('Box', ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'])
#: Data structure for a single series data point
Datum = namedtuple('Datum', ['i', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'row'])
#: Dummy object used in place of a series when rendering legends for categories
DummySeries = namedtuple('DummySeries', ['name'])
formatwarning_orig = warnings.formatwarning
warnings.formatwarning = lambda message, category, filename, lineno, line=None: \
formatwarning_orig(message, category, filename, lineno, line='')
warn = warnings.warn
# In Python 3.5 use builtin C implementation of `isclose`
if sys.version_info >= (3, 5):
from math import isclose
def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=NINE_PLACES, abs_tol=ZERO):
Test if two floating points numbers are close enough to be considered
Via: https://github.com/PythonCHB/close_pep/blob/master/isclose.py
Verified against final CPython 3.5 implementation.
:param a:
The first number to check.
:param b:
The second number to check.
:param rel_tol:
Relative tolerance. The amount of error allowed, relative to the larger
input value. Defaults to nine decimal places of accuracy.
:param abs_tol:
Absolute minimum tolerance. Disabled by default.
if a == b:
return True
if rel_tol < ZERO or abs_tol < ZERO:
raise ValueError('Tolerances must be non-negative')
if math.isinf(abs(a)) or math.isinf(abs(b)):
return False
diff = abs(b - a)
return (((diff <= abs(rel_tol * b)) or
(diff <= abs(rel_tol * a))) or
(diff <= abs_tol))
def to_year_count(d):
date > n years
return d.year
def from_year_count(n, t=date):
n years > date
return t(n, 1, 1)
def to_month_count(d):
date > n months
return (d.year * 12) + d.month
def from_month_count(n, t=date):
n months > date
return t(n // 12, (n % 12) + 1, 1)
def to_day_count(d):
date > n days
return (d - type(d).min).days
def from_day_count(n, t=date):
n days > date
return t.min + timedelta(days=n)
def to_hour_count(d):
date > n hours
return (d - datetime.min).total_seconds() / (60 * 60)
def from_hour_count(n, t=datetime):
n hours > date
return t.min + timedelta(hours=n)
def to_minute_count(d):
date > n minutes
return (d - datetime.min).total_seconds() / 60
def from_minute_count(n, t=datetime):
n minutes > date
return t.min + timedelta(minutes=n)
def to_second_count(d):
date > n seconds
return (d - datetime.min).total_seconds()
def from_second_count(n, t=datetime):
n seconds > date
return t.min + timedelta(seconds=n)
def to_microsecond_count(d):
date > n microseconds
return (d - datetime.min).total_seconds() * 1000
def from_microsecond_count(n, t=datetime):
n microseconds > date
return t.min + timedelta(microseconds=n)