551 lines
19 KiB
551 lines
19 KiB
import abc
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Set, List, Dict, Iterator, Tuple, Any, Union, Type, Optional
from dbt.dataclass_schema import StrEnum
from .graph import UniqueId
from dbt.contracts.graph.compiled import (
from dbt.contracts.graph.manifest import Manifest, WritableManifest
from dbt.contracts.graph.parsed import (
from dbt.contracts.state import PreviousState
from dbt.exceptions import (
from dbt.node_types import NodeType
class MethodName(StrEnum):
FQN = 'fqn'
Tag = 'tag'
Source = 'source'
Path = 'path'
Package = 'package'
Config = 'config'
TestName = 'test_name'
TestType = 'test_type'
ResourceType = 'resource_type'
State = 'state'
Exposure = 'exposure'
def is_selected_node(fqn: List[str], node_selector: str):
# If qualified_name exactly matches model name (fqn's leaf), return True
if fqn[-1] == node_selector:
return True
# Flatten node parts. Dots in model names act as namespace separators
flat_fqn = [item for segment in fqn for item in segment.split('.')]
# Selector components cannot be more than fqn's
if len(flat_fqn) < len(node_selector.split('.')):
return False
for i, selector_part in enumerate(node_selector.split('.')):
# if we hit a GLOB, then this node is selected
if selector_part == SELECTOR_GLOB:
return True
elif flat_fqn[i] == selector_part:
return False
# if we get all the way down here, then the node is a match
return True
SelectorTarget = Union[ParsedSourceDefinition, ManifestNode, ParsedExposure]
class SelectorMethod(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
def __init__(
manifest: Manifest,
previous_state: Optional[PreviousState],
arguments: List[str]
self.manifest: Manifest = manifest
self.previous_state = previous_state
self.arguments: List[str] = arguments
def parsed_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, ManifestNode]]:
for key, node in self.manifest.nodes.items():
unique_id = UniqueId(key)
if unique_id not in included_nodes:
yield unique_id, node
def source_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, ParsedSourceDefinition]]:
for key, source in self.manifest.sources.items():
unique_id = UniqueId(key)
if unique_id not in included_nodes:
yield unique_id, source
def exposure_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, ParsedExposure]]:
for key, exposure in self.manifest.exposures.items():
unique_id = UniqueId(key)
if unique_id not in included_nodes:
yield unique_id, exposure
def all_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, SelectorTarget]]:
yield from chain(self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes),
def configurable_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, CompileResultNode]]:
yield from chain(self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes),
def non_source_nodes(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId],
) -> Iterator[Tuple[UniqueId, Union[ParsedExposure, ManifestNode]]]:
yield from chain(self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes),
def search(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId],
selector: str,
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
raise NotImplementedError('subclasses should implement this')
class QualifiedNameSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def node_is_match(self, qualified_name: str, fqn: List[str]) -> bool:
"""Determine if a qualified name matches an fqn for all package
names in the graph.
:param str qualified_name: The qualified name to match the nodes with
:param List[str] fqn: The node's fully qualified name in the graph.
unscoped_fqn = fqn[1:]
if is_selected_node(fqn, qualified_name):
return True
# Match nodes across different packages
elif is_selected_node(unscoped_fqn, qualified_name):
return True
return False
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
"""Yield all nodes in the graph that match the selector.
:param str selector: The selector or node name
parsed_nodes = list(self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes))
for node, real_node in parsed_nodes:
if self.node_is_match(selector, real_node.fqn):
yield node
class TagSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
""" yields nodes from included that have the specified tag """
for node, real_node in self.all_nodes(included_nodes):
if selector in real_node.tags:
yield node
class SourceSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
"""yields nodes from included are the specified source."""
parts = selector.split('.')
target_package = SELECTOR_GLOB
if len(parts) == 1:
target_source, target_table = parts[0], None
elif len(parts) == 2:
target_source, target_table = parts
elif len(parts) == 3:
target_package, target_source, target_table = parts
else: # len(parts) > 3 or len(parts) == 0
msg = (
'Invalid source selector value "{}". Sources must be of the '
'form `${{source_name}}`, '
'`${{source_name}}.${{target_name}}`, or '
raise RuntimeException(msg)
for node, real_node in self.source_nodes(included_nodes):
if target_package not in (real_node.package_name, SELECTOR_GLOB):
if target_source not in (real_node.source_name, SELECTOR_GLOB):
if target_table not in (None, real_node.name, SELECTOR_GLOB):
yield node
class ExposureSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
parts = selector.split('.')
target_package = SELECTOR_GLOB
if len(parts) == 1:
target_name = parts[0]
elif len(parts) == 2:
target_package, target_name = parts
msg = (
'Invalid exposure selector value "{}". Exposures must be of '
'the form ${{exposure_name}} or '
raise RuntimeException(msg)
for node, real_node in self.exposure_nodes(included_nodes):
if target_package not in (real_node.package_name, SELECTOR_GLOB):
if target_name not in (real_node.name, SELECTOR_GLOB):
yield node
class PathSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
"""Yields nodes from inclucded that match the given path.
# use '.' and not 'root' for easy comparison
root = Path.cwd()
paths = set(p.relative_to(root) for p in root.glob(selector))
for node, real_node in self.all_nodes(included_nodes):
if Path(real_node.root_path) != root:
ofp = Path(real_node.original_file_path)
if ofp in paths:
yield node
elif any(parent in paths for parent in ofp.parents):
yield node
class PackageSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
"""Yields nodes from included that have the specified package"""
for node, real_node in self.all_nodes(included_nodes):
if real_node.package_name == selector:
yield node
def _getattr_descend(obj: Any, attrs: List[str]) -> Any:
value = obj
for attr in attrs:
value = getattr(value, attr)
except AttributeError:
# if it implements getitem (dict, list, ...), use that. On failure,
# raise an attribute error instead of the KeyError, TypeError, etc.
# that arbitrary getitem calls might raise
value = value[attr]
except Exception as exc:
raise AttributeError(
f"'{type(value)}' object has no attribute '{attr}'"
) from exc
return value
class CaseInsensitive(str):
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, str):
return self.upper() == other.upper()
return self.upper() == other
class ConfigSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
included_nodes: Set[UniqueId],
selector: Any,
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
parts = self.arguments
# special case: if the user wanted to compare test severity,
# make the comparison case-insensitive
if parts == ['severity']:
selector = CaseInsensitive(selector)
# search sources is kind of useless now source configs only have
# 'enabled', which you can't really filter on anyway, but maybe we'll
# add more someday, so search them anyway.
for node, real_node in self.configurable_nodes(included_nodes):
value = _getattr_descend(real_node.config, parts)
except AttributeError:
if selector == value:
yield node
class ResourceTypeSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
resource_type = NodeType(selector)
except ValueError as exc:
raise RuntimeException(
f'Invalid resource_type selector "{selector}"'
) from exc
for node, real_node in self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes):
if real_node.resource_type == resource_type:
yield node
class TestNameSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
for node, real_node in self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes):
if isinstance(real_node, HasTestMetadata):
if real_node.test_metadata.name == selector:
yield node
class TestTypeSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
search_types: Tuple[Type, ...]
if selector == 'schema':
search_types = (ParsedSchemaTestNode, CompiledSchemaTestNode)
elif selector == 'data':
search_types = (ParsedDataTestNode, CompiledDataTestNode)
raise RuntimeException(
f'Invalid test type selector {selector}: expected "data" or '
for node, real_node in self.parsed_nodes(included_nodes):
if isinstance(real_node, search_types):
yield node
class StateSelectorMethod(SelectorMethod):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.modified_macros: Optional[List[str]] = None
def _macros_modified(self) -> List[str]:
# we checked in the caller!
if self.previous_state is None or self.previous_state.manifest is None:
raise InternalException(
'No comparison manifest in _macros_modified'
old_macros = self.previous_state.manifest.macros
new_macros = self.manifest.macros
modified = []
for uid, macro in new_macros.items():
if uid in old_macros:
old_macro = old_macros[uid]
if macro.macro_sql != old_macro.macro_sql:
for uid, macro in old_macros.items():
if uid not in new_macros:
return modified
def recursively_check_macros_modified(self, node, previous_macros):
# loop through all macros that this node depends on
for macro_uid in node.depends_on.macros:
# avoid infinite recursion if we've already seen this macro
if macro_uid in previous_macros:
# is this macro one of the modified macros?
if macro_uid in self.modified_macros:
return True
# if not, and this macro depends on other macros, keep looping
macro_node = self.manifest.macros[macro_uid]
if len(macro_node.depends_on.macros) > 0:
return self.recursively_check_macros_modified(macro_node, previous_macros)
return False
def check_macros_modified(self, node):
# check if there are any changes in macros the first time
if self.modified_macros is None:
self.modified_macros = self._macros_modified()
# no macros have been modified, skip looping entirely
if not self.modified_macros:
return False
# recursively loop through upstream macros to see if any is modified
previous_macros = []
return self.recursively_check_macros_modified(node, previous_macros)
def check_modified(self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget) -> bool:
different_contents = not new.same_contents(old) # type: ignore
upstream_macro_change = self.check_macros_modified(new)
return different_contents or upstream_macro_change
def check_modified_body(self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget) -> bool:
if hasattr(new, "same_body"):
return not new.same_body(old) # type: ignore
return False
def check_modified_configs(self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget) -> bool:
if hasattr(new, "same_config"):
return not new.same_config(old) # type: ignore
return False
def check_modified_persisted_descriptions(
self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget
) -> bool:
if hasattr(new, "same_persisted_description"):
return not new.same_persisted_description(old) # type: ignore
return False
def check_modified_relation(
self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget
) -> bool:
if hasattr(new, "same_database_representation"):
return not new.same_database_representation(old) # type: ignore
return False
def check_modified_macros(self, _, new: SelectorTarget) -> bool:
return self.check_macros_modified(new)
def check_new(self, old: Optional[SelectorTarget], new: SelectorTarget) -> bool:
return old is None
def search(
self, included_nodes: Set[UniqueId], selector: str
) -> Iterator[UniqueId]:
if self.previous_state is None or self.previous_state.manifest is None:
raise RuntimeException(
'Got a state selector method, but no comparison manifest'
state_checks = {
# it's new if there is no old version
'new': lambda old, _: old is None,
# use methods defined above to compare properties of old + new
'modified': self.check_modified,
'modified.body': self.check_modified_body,
'modified.configs': self.check_modified_configs,
'modified.persisted_descriptions': self.check_modified_persisted_descriptions,
'modified.relation': self.check_modified_relation,
'modified.macros': self.check_modified_macros,
if selector in state_checks:
checker = state_checks[selector]
raise RuntimeException(
f'Got an invalid selector "{selector}", expected one of '
manifest: WritableManifest = self.previous_state.manifest
for node, real_node in self.all_nodes(included_nodes):
previous_node: Optional[SelectorTarget] = None
if node in manifest.nodes:
previous_node = manifest.nodes[node]
elif node in manifest.sources:
previous_node = manifest.sources[node]
elif node in manifest.exposures:
previous_node = manifest.exposures[node]
if checker(previous_node, real_node):
yield node
class MethodManager:
SELECTOR_METHODS: Dict[MethodName, Type[SelectorMethod]] = {
MethodName.FQN: QualifiedNameSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Tag: TagSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Source: SourceSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Path: PathSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Package: PackageSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Config: ConfigSelectorMethod,
MethodName.TestName: TestNameSelectorMethod,
MethodName.TestType: TestTypeSelectorMethod,
MethodName.State: StateSelectorMethod,
MethodName.Exposure: ExposureSelectorMethod,
def __init__(
manifest: Manifest,
previous_state: Optional[PreviousState],
self.manifest = manifest
self.previous_state = previous_state
def get_method(
self, method: MethodName, method_arguments: List[str]
) -> SelectorMethod:
if method not in self.SELECTOR_METHODS:
raise InternalException(
f'Method name "{method}" is a valid node selection '
f'method name, but it is not handled'
cls: Type[SelectorMethod] = self.SELECTOR_METHODS[method]
return cls(self.manifest, self.previous_state, method_arguments)